
Subscribe to Iris.ai's Explore and Focus tools!

By signing up now you will be automatically transferred over to the new Researcher Workspace when it launches, and will lock in the current preferred prices - while getting access to a range of new features including import of your own datasets, improved analysis, summary generation, context filters and many more.
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10days free premium

  • Monthly: €75
  • Quarterly: €202.5
    (which is €67.5 per month)
  • Annual: €720
    (which is €60 per month)
  • Access to more than 200 million open access papers, including CORE, arXiv.org, PubMed and US Patent Office
  • Phone and email support from the Iris.ai customer support team
  • Search with free-text problem statement or with URL of existing papers


  • Free account with limited functionality
  • Access to open access research papers, including Core.ac.uk and PubMed
  • Access to our online resource - help.iris.ai
  • Search with the URL of existing papers

After your free trial, you'll be automatically charged for your chosen period. Cancel your subscription before your trial ends to not be charged.

When your subscription ends, it will be renewed automatically. You can cancel the auto-renewal anytime before the subscription ends, allowing you to use the tool for the remainder of the period. If you have any questions, email support@iris.ai.

What's included in our subscriptions? Premium Basic
Data included Access to more than 200 million open access papers, including CORE, arXiv.org, PubMed and US Patent Office Open access research papers, including Core.ac.uk and
Phone and email support from the Iris.ai customers support team
Explore tool
Use an existing research paper to search for new and relevant papers
Bookmark research map and papers
Export results
Search with free text problem statement
Edit map results to better organize research
Research in private mode
Subscribe to new and relevant research papers
See each paper's relevance score to problem statement
Focus tool
Export reading list
Narrow down reading list by including & excluding concepts
Narrow down reading list by including & excluding topics
Import multiple maps
Import from remote folder (dropbox or google drive)
Set study to private

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